Fire crews called to late-night alarm at Earlston High School

Earlston High School.Earlston High School.
Earlston High School.
Fire crews were called to Earlston High School on Tuesday night after smoke alarms were triggered there.

Two crews were called out to the school, at the east end of High Street, for over an hour, but the incident is not believed to have been serious.

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: “Two crews attended after we received a call at 11.15pm.

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“The fire alarm at the school was going off, and we believe this was due to cosmetic smoke.

“The alarm was reset and the smoke dissipated.

“It was not anything malicious, and fire crews left the scene about 12.45am.”

There had been a showing of the school’s Dick Whittington panto production that but it had finished hours before.

Last night’s production was cancelled, sparking disappointment amongst parents, with the reason given being technical issues.

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A member of staff wrote on the school’s Facebook page yesterday afternoon: “Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, we have cancelled tonight’s performance of the school Christmas concert and Dick Whittington.

“Our apologies for this, and we hope to reschedule in the new term.

“Further details to follow in the new term.”