Moderator pays visit to region as Oxnam Church picks up national award

Morag McKeand, Reverend Marion Dodd, Rob Rawson, Moira Land, Ann Fraser, Reverend Susan Brown, Moderator for Scotland and Val HunterMorag McKeand, Reverend Marion Dodd, Rob Rawson, Moira Land, Ann Fraser, Reverend Susan Brown, Moderator for Scotland and Val Hunter
Morag McKeand, Reverend Marion Dodd, Rob Rawson, Moira Land, Ann Fraser, Reverend Susan Brown, Moderator for Scotland and Val Hunter
A video made to highlight the role Oxnam Kirk plays within its rural community has won a national award and commendation from the moderator of the Church of Scotland.

The three-minute film, shot entirely on an iPad as part of a group effort by the congregation, highlights all the activities linking the church with the community.

It was created for the annual Church of Scotland Show and Tell video competition and its makers are now celebrating taking first place and going one better than last year’s second place effort.

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“The theme this year was ‘Walking with the Community’ so our video was about how Oxnam Church and the community work together and all of the things we are involved with – from the choir and walking groups to children’s parties and film evenings,” elder Ann Fraser said. “It was a snapshot of all the things that happen in our parish.

“Moira Land was instrumental in pulling the film together, and we worked closely with the community.

“Most of us had the iPad thrust into our hands at some point during the project.”

“Monday was the first time, I think, that a moderator for the Church of Scotland will ever have visited Oxnam, so it was quite a special day for us.”

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The Rt Rev Susan Brown, met around 50 church members and locum minister Marion Dodd on Monday when she viewed the video and presented the group with a voucher.

“Oxnam Kirk is fantastic,” she said. “Thanks to the film that they have made for the competition, people can see everything that’s going on in the church.

“I don’t think that our congregations across Scotland have ever been as busy as they are now.

“Whether it’s getting folk out walking, whether it’s doing things for children like pantomime or plays, our churches are busy and active and that’s what God calls us to be.

“Our vision is to share God’s love for the community around us and that’s exactly what’s happening at Oxnam – in so many different ways.”