Golfing results round-up from Torwoodlee

Results from recent contests at Torwoodlee Golf Club, near Galashiels:

A senior stableford was held last Wednesday and Thursday, August 11-12, with 32 seniors taking part:

1 Graham Low 40 points, 2 Graham Dickinson 39 points, 3 Stuart Bell 38 points, 4 Brian Lawrie 37 points bih, 5 Rob Semple 37 points bih, 6 William Dixon 37 points. David Allison Sr achieved a hole in one at the 12th on Thursday.

Last Tuesday featured the usual stroke competition:

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1 Scott Noble 65 (best last 6 holes), 2 David Marshall 65, 3 David Gillie 66, 4 Iain Ross 67, 5 Sandy Macpherson 68.

Sunday, August 8 saw a Charity Texas Scramble in aid of the British Heart Foundation (44 teams took part):

1 Jim Fotheringham’s team nett 53.6, 2 Scott Nightingale’s team nett 54.5, 3 Robbie Lowrie’s team nett 54.8, 4 Andrew Green’s team nett 56.2 (best back 9 of 31), 5 Simon Gillie’s team nett 56.2 (best back 9 of 32), 6 Richard Forsyth’s team nett 57.1.