Forward planning is the key

The workshop is open to Borders sheep and beef farmers.The workshop is open to Borders sheep and beef farmers.
The workshop is open to Borders sheep and beef farmers.
Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) is funding a Farm Business Planning workshop in the Borders for beef and sheep farmers.

The workshop will be held at The Lodge Hotel, Carfraemill, on Tuesday, March 1, and will assist farmers to forward plan their businesses and face the challenges of reduced support payments and fluctuating beef and lamb prices.

The aim of the workshop, which is free to attend and open to all beef and sheep farmers, is to enhance the business planning skills of Scottish livestock producers to allow them to make better decisions on how to improve their farms’ performance and profitability. It is an opportunity for farmers to set aside a bit of time to look at how they might mitigate the impact of Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) reductions, boost margins and determine future farm policy.

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The workshop will be delivered by SAC Consulting (part of SRUC, Scotland’s Rural College) and is aimed at providing farmers with the tools to analyse their businesses and the performance of their cattle and sheep enterprises. It will also identify areas where farmers can improve and undertake forward planning to help their business face future challenges.

There are just 12 spaces available on the workshop and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. All farmers are eligible to attend, other than those who have already attended a BIG group, Planning for Profit 2015 two day winter workshop. These sessions will be practically based, participative and have a number of practical exercises. Those attending will also receive handouts, reference booklets and a business planning template that they can use to develop a plan for their own farm.

To book contact Fiona on [email protected] or 01292 525035.

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