South African kids set to enjoy a busy week in Selkirk

Members of Selkirk High School Journey 2 Change committee.Members of Selkirk High School Journey 2 Change committee.
Members of Selkirk High School Journey 2 Change committee.
A group of South African youngsters will visit the town next week as part of a project funded by Selkirk High School.

The school’s Journey 2 Change committee has raised more than £3,000 to bring seven students and one leader over from Umlazi, the largest township in Durban, for a week.

For the past three years the Selkirk students have worked with Lasswade High School to finance these visits, and the annual project continues to go from strength to strength.

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The South African students, all aged between 15 and 17, arrive in the town on Sunday and will be hosted by local families.

The group will enjoy a full programme of events including a games night, Rotary Club visit, film night, tour of the town and a joint conference.

The visit culminates with a family ceilidh next Saturday night.

Journey 2 Change senior student chairwoman Ellie Thomson said: “For the past three years we have hosted South African students bringing great benefits for all involved.”

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“The Making a Difference conference will give both groups of young people the opportunity to debate and discuss how they would go about campaigning for change that will lead to a fairer and more equal global society.”

The committee has worked tirelessly over the last year to fund the trip through pop-up shops, sponsored walks, bake sales and quiz nights.

Selkirk High School head teacher Wilma Burgeon added: “The committee’s achievements, and the impact of the project are truly inspirational and a fantastic example of young people who are passionate about working together to make a difference.

“It’s about global citizenship and how we can work together to make a difference.”

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