Jedburgh's one-way system to change again

The newest one-way layout in Jedburgh.The newest one-way layout in Jedburgh.
The newest one-way layout in Jedburgh.
Jedburgh's one-way traffic management system will change layout again on Friday, for the third time in less than three weeks.

The one-way system along the town’s High Street was introduced on June, 4 and had its direction reversed less than one week later.

And as from Friday, June 22, the system will change again, in response to feedback from the community.

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While the High Street will remain one-way northbound from Canongate the closure will end at the entrance to Jewellers Wynd, rather than continuing right to the A68.

The Friars will be restricted to one-way for notherly traffic onlyand a one-way order in a southerly direction will be in place on Queen Street.

A existing section of Exchange Street will remain one-way northbound from High Street to Friarsgate.

The alternative route for travelling south is via the A68 Newcastle Road and Canongate to the point of the closure.

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The one-way orders are needed so scaffolding can be extended into the road to enable repairs to be carried out on the privately-owned building, said to have significant structural issues requiring extensive work to remedy.

It is expected to be up and running for the next 38 weeks.

A temporary walkway will be created around the scaffolding to allow pedestrian access to High Street and Exchange Street.

Signs will be put up to advise people of the temporary arrangement.

Jedburgh councillor Scott Hamilton told Monday’s night’s meeting of Jedburgh Community Council: “We have discussed and put forward proposals for changes to the one-way system. The grammar school was not happy with it the way it was.”

It is understood the town’s marketing and tourism group will push for the repositioning of the High Street’s zebra crossing for the duration of the works.