Melrose rallying round to fly the Fairtrade flag

Melrose Rotarians raise a cup of tea in support of Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight 2017.Melrose Rotarians raise a cup of tea in support of Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight 2017.
Melrose Rotarians raise a cup of tea in support of Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight 2017.
In August 2015, the fledgling Melrose and District Fairtrade Group achieved Fairtrade Town status for the area.

Through its continued local action, this was granted renewal by the Fairtrade Foundation in October 2016.

Since that time group members have worked tirelessly to continue raising local awareness of the benefits of Fairtrade for those working and living in developing parts of the world.

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It is therefore important and gratifying for group volunteers to see a respected local organisation – Melrose Rotarians – give recognition to the fact that Melrose is designated a Fairtrade Town.

The Rotarians have decided that their fundraising coffee morning (Corn Exchange on Saturday, October 28, from 10am-noon) should be a Fairtrade event, with support from the local Co-op and the Fairtrade Group.

This will be an opportunity to socialise and enjoy a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee, along with a selection of tray bakes made from Fairtrade ingredients. There will also be an opportunity to see some of the Fairtrade Group’s work over the past years and the Co-op – which is donating tea, coffee and baking ingredients – will showcase a selection of its current range of Fairtrade products.

z The photograph shows Melrose Rotarians raising a cup of tea in support of Fairtrade during this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight.