Tim's walk pays the way for Greens

Tim Clancey on his fundraising walk.Tim Clancey on his fundraising walk.
Tim Clancey on his fundraising walk.
Local Scottish Green Party activist Tim Clancey spent the Easter weekend undertaking a long distance walk for party funds.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, he walked from the English-Scottish border at Coldstream to the regional boundary just north of Heriot – just part of a planned journey to the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh.

The journey was conceived as a way to raise funds for the party’s local constituency campaigns for the upcoming Holyrood election – and so far he’s raised more than £2,000.

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Tim explained “Our party does not have wealthy donors to call upon and the money raised so far means that we have been able to pay our £500 constituency deposits and we also plan to send leaflets to every household.”

He added: “So many people in the Scottish Borders care deeply about the environment and the climate emergency that faces us. It is important that they have the opportunity to vote Green so that our governments can see how concerned they are about the situation.

“This was really brought home to me during the walk and the conversations I had with people along the way – we have to put our climate concerns at the heart of this election campaign and not just allow it to be crowded out by other political parties indulging their rivalries with each other.

"There has been far too much negative campaigning going on already and it doesn’t serve Scotland well. I hope that everyone who has a vote in next month’s election uses it.”

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Tim hopes to complete the final stage of his journey, from Heriot to Holyrood, once the current ‘Stay Local’ government restrictions are lifted later on this month.

“At present myself and other Borders folk have been asked to only travel within our own local authority area, so I did not continue beyond the Midlothian boundary.

"However it has been a stunning walk through some beautiful towns, villages and countryside, and everyone has been so friendly. I have also been extremely lucky with the weather and enjoyed two days of spring sunshine.”

The Scottish Green Party are standing two constituency candidates in the Scottish Borders – Dominic Ashmole in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, and Barbra Harvie in Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire.

If you wish to support Tim’s fundraising campaign or learn more about it, click here.

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