Lauder runners team up with Hawick colleagues

The breakfast club  -  Lauderdale Limpers during their monthly early-morning gathering.The breakfast club  -  Lauderdale Limpers during their monthly early-morning gathering.
The breakfast club - Lauderdale Limpers during their monthly early-morning gathering.
Lauderdale Limpers Juniors enjoyed their annual outing to Tweedbank Sports Complex last week, where they were joined for the first time by juniors from Teviotdale Harriers.

This was followed by a fiercely competitive 800m race for all age groups, with the winners receiving sportswear from ex-Lauderdale junior and current Scottish Cross Country Champion Adam Craig, before everyone joined him on a cool down on the track.

Lauderdale Limpers extended thanks to all the coaches at Gala Harriers, Teviotdale Harriers and Lauderdale Limpers, as well as the Tour de Lauder Community Fund, which financed the event for the Lauder-based club.

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The monthly breakfast run tackled the slopes of Lee Pen in Innerleithen, where 12 runners started out in spring sunshine, before marching on three seasons by the summit, where the horizontal rain and biting wind cut short the run along the ridge.

Everyone enjoyed the steep descent, where the weather cleared to give views of the Peebleshire valley and summit ridge, which had previously been invisible in the mist.

A fine breakfast was had in Loulobelle Sweet Treats in Innerleithen, as well as a warm welcome by the staff.

Come and join the group on the last Sunday in the month and find a new trail to enjoy your running.